how earn money using blog
How to get $1,000 within one month to start your dream business
Without wasting much of our time, let’s discuss about the key points on how we can become our own sponsors and not depending on financial institutions and rich people to finance our business plans.
Here are Key Points:
Today, internet is the cheapest and expensive way of extracting money from white and black people without been arrested or committing any offence.
1. Website
2. Applications
The above mentioned two are the great weapon someone can use to raise the money to start kind of business he/she want.
Developing website is very easy while hosting require money which will make the poor people to feel redundant again, but having 10mb (megabyte) daily is much more easier than taking a meal cause we always login our Facebook, Twitter, INSTAGRAM etc. but did you even think of how much did those people with company or application that you and I are using earning each and every day?
Here is the solution:
Create free blog give it nice name that won’t be very tedious to search or even think off by the users, Like search for the trending news, most search words in Google searching engine, most views pages and matters happen in the country, political views, Entrepreneurs ships etc. these are the most search topics or article daily in Nigeria and African searching engines.
Then follow the steps
1. Step one
Go to
2. Create account using your valid email address /Sign in With your Gmail Account and password
3. Login in to your blogger account using your
4. Click next and follow all the instruction
After creating your blog
5. Create a post/ New post
7. After writing a post, move to your right hand side bottom (up Corner ) and select publish
Confirm the message pop on your screen
11. Copy the link displayed in your browser
After successful creation of blog you need to follow the follow link ( ) sign up/register As Publisher in to Adsterra, where you can register with the blog link you copied from step11
After following the link and register
Go to Website Icon and click
Click on the add website (paste your copied blog as your website )
After pasting the blog link then select the category of your choice and the banner size, then click ADD at the bottom of your right hand corner.
From here you can wait for some hours for the server to approve your request.
16. After your request been approved your will notify via your registered email address, then go to the same link of adsterra and LOGIN with your Credentials, Click on the website Icon scroll down you will see (Get code ) then click on it, the Ads code will display, then copy it and paste it in your blog (Ads HTML Script) at the layout menu.
Thank for understanding
For more please subscribe to my blog and youtube channel
Youtube@ azeemcyberTV
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